
Showing posts from March, 2019

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure command line client and object storage

Yesterday I blogged about a Google Drive client, and 2 years back a blogged about a custom workflow I was using to push and pull file(s) from/to Google Drive on Linux. I recently got access to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure so thought doing an equivalent task might be a good way to get my toes wet. As with most of the cloud infrastructure platforms available, Oracle provides us with a command line tool we can use. This project source code is open sourced (under UPL 1.0 and Apache 2.0) and hosted over on GitHub . Christoph Ruepprich has previously blogged about this tool, but I wanted to go through it myself - so a lot of this information may be redundant if you already followed along with his blog post . For my test case, I wanted to test in an isolated environment so I went ahead and pulled the latest ubuntu release using Docker: docker pull ubuntu:latest Then I enter that environment by running: docker run -it ubuntu:latest This will bring me to a shell prompt with root ac

Updating my CLI Google Drive Client

A couple of year back I blogged about a custom Google Drive workflow . The tool I'm using I recently noticed is facing some issues - when trying to pull the file I am presented with the following: The problem seems to be that this tool is using a single API key/secret amongst all users - and with the popularity of this tool it's exceeding the daily usage limit each day. The product seems to be not actively maintained for a while now - so back to the drawing board. There is another popular tool on GitHub, which supports overriding the API credentials used based on some environment variables. This tool is aptly called "drive" - and the project is found here: Per the documentation, you can set up your own API client credentials to use with this tool to avoid the possibility of any usage limit violations (assuming it's just for personal use, it's unlikely you would exceed these): > Optionally set the GOOGLE_API_CLIEN

Why is my date format not staying in uppercase?

In my application, I have my date format defined as "DD-MON-YYYY". In my page, I have defined a default date as `sysdate`. So my date renders with the current date, and everything looks good: However, as soon as I change the date, the month name is not persisting to be in all caps, per: So, what is going on here? If we look at the HTML node for selecting another date, we can see it runs the following code: $.datepicker._selectDay( id, +this.getAttribute("data-month"), +this.getAttribute("data-year"), this ); In the latest APEX, we can view the source for this call in: This in turn makes a call to: this._selectDate( id, this._formatDate( inst, inst.currentDay, inst.currentMonth, inst.currentYear ) ); Which in turn returns by: return this.formatDate